Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mount Shasta, CA

Mount Shasta is another gorgeous mountain!  When I arrived, it was blanketed in clouds and snow. I took a few photos knowing I had to wait and capture a better one. I pulled over at a scenic area and silently waited for the clouds to lift. I waited....and waited...and spent some time dwelling on the past weeks as I drove from one state to another exploring everything I could.

It had been such a grand adventure full of lessons that would impact me in ways I never imagined. I listened to the radio, and I waited. I took more photos, but the snow and clouds were still in the way. I drove further down the road and waited some more, and as the sun shone brighter on the mountain top, I realized the full impact of this trip - of all I had seen. I rested my chin on the car window and let the breeze hit my face as I looked up at the mountain smiling at the memories created in the past 14 days. I smiled almost constantly on this trip.

Good things come to those who wait. Finally, I got the best photo possible on that day.
(click on photos to enlarge)

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