Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nehalem Bay, Oregon

I hadn't planned on staying the night at Nehalem Bay, but I remained flexible on this trip for moments like this. I was going to drive north to Astoria, but when I arrived after sunset, it was obvious, even in the faint light that this was a gorgeous place. It's beauty took my breath away even when I could barely see it. And I knew I must see it, so I stayed at the Wheeler on the Bay Lodge and Marina and waited for the early morning light. My hotel was exceptional with a fireplace and in-room hot tub. I cannot express how kind the owners, Pat and Tracy Scribner, were or how wonderful this place was. I did not want to leave. I could have stayed there for months watching the sun rise and set on this beautiful bay. I could have sat there on the bench at the end of the dock and watched the seasons change. If I ever marry again, this is where I want to honeymoom. (Click on pictures to enlarge)

Day 11: Oregon Coast

I was simply awestruck by the glorious beauty and variations of this coastal shore. Not only does Oregon have some of the most beautiful beaches and rock formations on the coast, but the numerous rivers are equally and alarmingly gorgeous. Unique and decorative bridges adorn the state's waterways presenting artwork that have been captured in paintings and photos by millions over the years. Enchanting flowers, plants, and forests decorate the scenery with rich color and textures adding to its alluring beauty.